Instructor Notes

This workshop introduces the process of creating a package, where each step in that process is dependent on the previous step. If a learner gets behind, or one of the steps doesn’t work for them, they may not be able to catch up with the rest of the class. To help ensure that all learners are able to work through the whole process, we provide solution files.


Accessing packages

Getting started

Writing our own functions



Managing dependencies

Documenting your package


Instructor Note

The diagram was created with mermaid. This is the original code:

flowchart LR
    id1(Does the user need access?) --Yes--> id6(Store it in data/)
    id3(Is the data in .Rda format?)--Yes--> id1
    id1 --No, but tests do--> id5(Store it in tests/)
    id1 --No, but functions do--> id4(Store it in R/sysdata.Rda*)
    id3 --No--> id8(But can it be?)
    id8 --Yes, with some work --> id9(Document the process in data-raw/**)
    id8 --No, it shouldn't--> id7(Store it in inst/extdata)


Instructor Note

In the solution above, the line library(mysterycoffee) is commented out. This is a technical choice: due to the Carpentries Lesson Template being written in Rmarkdown, this line caused the CI to attempt to install mysterycoffee… which of course does not exist. Please make sure to point out when sharing this solution that the line must be uncommented in a functional vignette.